IRL πŸ“· in KillaCyst Sub Squad

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Snow in April. No power or heat. Wish me luck.

Hey, Guys. Sorry I haven't really posted that much for the past few days. I'm sick.

New Blood Interactive had one of the best booths at #PAXEast Fallen Aces was awesome, can't wait to play the full release!

I met the yellow rat from PokΓ©mon #PAXEAST



2am got pretty wild at this karaoke bar

found an Easter version of the best candy

Biz cards got delivered for PAX East!


I am such a dork sometimes. I completely forgot to upload these videos here. I am in bring to the survivor and this month is brain tumor awareness month. I share my story to spread brain tumor awareness,

Went to The Legoland Discovery Center at my local mall today.